California’s county clerks did a week’s worth of business in the first two days of legal gay marriage:
In the two days since same-sex couples have been allowed to wed in California, the number of marriage licenses issued statewide has surpassed that of an entire typical June week, according to a Times survey of the state’s 58 county clerks.
Just over 2,700 marriage licenses were issued in the state between 5:01 p.m. on Monday — when the state Supreme Court’s ruling lifted the ban on gay marriage — and the end of business on Tuesday. The statewide average for a whole week in June is about 2,460.
Topping the list is Los Angeles County, the state’s largest with a population of about 9.9 million, which issued one license on Monday evening in Beverly Hills and 648 Tuesday. San Diego County, population about 3 million, was second with 230. San Francisco County, population 765,000 was third with 212. Officials in Sacramento County, which usually issues about 25 licenses a day, issued 134 by closing time at 8 p.m. Tuesday. The county has 1.4 million residents.
Of course, the volume of licenses issued will diminish greatly after this pent up demand is satisfied. And if things go as in Massachusetts, within a few months the ratio of lesbians to gay men getting married will settle in at, what, 4-1?