A study conducted in NYC claims that a majority of young gay people expect to raise children and be monogamously partnered by age 30.
What is believed to be the first major study of the hopes and aspirations of gay young people has found most want to spend their adult life in a long-term relationship raising children. More than 90 percent of young lesbians and more than 80 percent of gay males expect to be partnered in a monogamous relationship after age 30.
Two thirds of females and more than half of males expressed likelihood that they would raise children in the future. “These findings, while appear to be representative of urban lesbian or gay youth’s aspirations, are a glimpse into the future of the LGBT community,” said Robert-Jay Green, PhD, executive director of the Rockway Institute, a national research and public policy center located at Alliant International University.
“If these young people realize their expectations, the LGBT community will be a vastly different place in 20 years, with many more families and children. The implications are staggering for how the lesbian/gay community will be different in the 21st century than in generations past, when it was mainly a secret society of singles.”
[snip]When asked about expectations of future relationships, 66 percent of males and 80 percent of females rated future long-term relationships as “extremely important” or “very important.” Eighty-two percent of females and 61 percent of males hoped to be partnered during the next five years.
Ninety-two percent of females and 82 percent of males expected to be monogamously partnered after age 30, and 79 percent of females and 73 percent of males expected to live with their partner. Sixty-four percent of females and 37 percent of males said it was “extremely likely” they would marry if allowed by law. When asked about expectations of child-raising, 36 percent of females and 20 percent of males said it was “extremely likely” they will raise children.
Overall, 67 percent of males and 55 percent of females expressed some degree of likelihood that they would raise children. Of those who expressed some likelihood, 58 percent of males and 54 percent of females expect to be raising their own biological children. Forty-two percent of males and 32 percent of females expect to adopt. Sixteen percent of males and 14 percent of females expect to be foster parents. Thirty-six percent of females and 17 percent of males expect to help their partner raise her or his biological children.
Hmm, 82% of young gay men expect to be monogamously partnered by age 30. Ah, naive youth. As for the “staggering implications” of this study, it would certainly mean the end of the kind of gay culture we’ve always known. Blech. Props to those with kids, but my social life would be empty if most of my friends were burdened with children.