Idol Producers Give OK To Gay Stripper

The producers of American Idol say they have no problem with David Hernandez.

American Idol executive producer Ken Warwick told TV Guide they’ve had many erotic dancers on their show, and Hernandez’s past is his business. “We’ve had strippers on the show before. We’re never judgmental about people who do things like that,” Warwick said. “If it were some sort of heavy porn, then maybe we’d have to take action. But certainly not on this.”

The 24-year-old Hernandez performed in the nude and gave lap dances to the male clientele, according to club manager Gordy Bryan, who told his story to the AP on Monday. Bryan said Hernandez had worked at the club for three years, until September 30, 2007. That’s nearly two months after his July audition for American Idol. His reason for leaving? He didn’t renew his licensing with the state, Bryan said.

So Frenchie Davis can’t appear topless online, but David Hernandez can give nude lap dances? What did I miss?