The painfully unfunny Sarah Silverman is being credited as the author of AIDS-mocking ad jingle supposedly discarded from an upcoming World AIDS Day campaign by Gap’s Product RED department. It remains unclear whether the story is a hoax or whether Silverman actually wrote it.
I’m not black
I’m not gay
And Africa is so far away
But what’s one more December holiday?
Happy AIDS Day anyway
AIDS is a gift
that keeps on giving
Give (RED) gifts
And stop regifting
Help African kids get drugs
(SHOUT) But not for tripping!
Happy AIDS Day anyway
The story comes via an anonymous tipster at Copyranter, who says, “OK, even though Silverman is part of the new general Gap campaign, there’s no way in hell Gap would ever run all or part of this as a TV spot, though I could definitely see her singing it on her show. The tipster also says this project may have been put on hold, and examining the lyrics, I can see why.”
I like gallows humor as much as the next person so maybe I’m tempted to believe this story because of my profound dislike for Silverman. I don’t really know. Last week a friend of mine said, “Have you noticed how casual racism is, like, all the rage now for comedians?” I said, “You mean Sarah Silverman?” He said, “Totally.”