HRC’s Back Story blog has the video of yesterday’s celebratory post-ENDA press conference.
Choice quotes:
Barney Frank: “Knowing the feeling of pride and support and vindication that many of us who are gay and lesbians feel, underlines the importance of our extending that to others who aren’t allowed to feel that today, and yet they are entitled to that same feeling. [snip] But tonight, tomorrow morning, there are millions of Americans, young and old, who can say, ‘You know what? My country doesn’t hate me’.”
Rep. Tammy Baldwin: “This is a milestone, but not the end of our quest.”
Also from Back Story, Ted Kennedy has pledged to introduce the Senate version of ENDA as quickly as possible.
Senator Edward M. Kennedy, a Massachusetts Democrat and a longtime supporter of gay rights legislation, said he would move swiftly to introduce a similar measure in the Senate. Some Senate Republicans said that, if worded carefully, it would have a good chance of passing, perhaps early next year.[…]
Mr. Kennedy, who is chairman of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, issued a statement praising the House vote. He could introduce a measure identical to the House bill or a new version, which might restore language about gender identity.