SAGE (Service and Advocacy for GLBT Elders) and the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force have received a $500,00 grant from the Arcus Gay & Lesbian Fund to support advocacy for LGBT seniors.
“As the one organization that focuses on the full gamut of LGBT aging issues both locally and nationally, SAGE is thrilled to partner with the Task Force on this national effort to improve the lives of the senior members of our community,” said SAGE Executive Director Michael Adams. “This initiative serves a critical need: in the next 20 years the number of LGBT people age 65 and above will grow by 70 percent – from approximately 3 million now to roughly 5 million over the next quarter century. This demographic tidal wave, combined with the endemic invisibility, marginalization, and discrimination faced by LGBT older people, lends an added urgency to this first-of-a-kind national advocacy effort. Thanks to this funding from Arcus, we will be able to launch a strategic and focused effort to increase visibility, awareness, policy protections and support for LGBT older people.” Adams added that the new initiative is especially timely since SAGE is celebrating its 30th Anniversary in 2008, just launched an on-line community of LGBT aging advocates and service providers nationwide, and plans on hosting its fourth national conference on LGBT aging next fall.
“We are grateful to the Arcus Foundation for funding this innovative partnership between the Task Force and SAGE,” said Matt Foreman, executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. “This project will combine the Task Force’s federal policy and research expertise, SAGE’s unparalleled understanding of the needs of LGBT elders, and the energy of activists across the nation to shape a better future for all our seniors.”