In an editorial called “A Nominee’s Abnormal Views“, today the NY Times Op-Ed page calls for Congress to reject Dr. James Holsinger as Surgeon General, saying, “The Senate should not confirm a surgeon general who considers practicing homosexuals abnormal and diseased.”
An excerpt:
His [Holsinger’s] strongest statement on homosexuality can be found in a murky, loosely reasoned paper that he wrote for a church committee in 1991. Titled “Pathophysiology of Male Homosexuality,” the paper purported to be a scientific and medical review. It argued that gay sex was abnormal on anatomical and physiological grounds and unhealthy, in that anal sex can lead to rectal injuries and sexually transmitted diseases. Dr. Holsinger did not brand the large number of heterosexual women who engage in anal sex as abnormal, failed to acknowledge the huge burden of disease spread heterosexually and implied that women are more likely than men to avoid injuries with generous lubrication.
The Times gets it.