My apologies for two days of radio silence, but I haven’t been feeling well since leaving the street fair on Sunday. Perhaps standing in the sun with a beer cup in my hand for 8 hours is something I shouldn’t be doing anymore. Hopefully next year I’ll plan to arrive later and leave earlier. Yeah, right.
Last night’s WYSIWYG was great fun, with a terrific roster of performers including two pals of mine making their stage debut: my favorite lez-blogger, Curly McDimple, and the sexily scruffy Rod Townsend, both of whom were very well received. Thanks go out to Chris, Andy and Dan for consistently putting on one of the most fun events in town. Chris will be posting reviews of last night’s show here, as they come in. And big hugs to so many of my friends in the audience for showing up and supporting me, you are beautiful in every single way.
Yesterday began with a fever, chills and an achy neck. I took the day off from work and tried to conserve energy for the show, but at 6PM with my energy meter still tapping into the red zone, I decided to try the unique combo of Dayquil and Red Bull, hoping to both dampen my symptoms and still give me some fuel for the stage. I arrived at the venue feeling weirdly speedy, this is why I am not friends with the Bull. I think I did just OK with my story, tripping on my tongue a half-dozen times as the fever began to resume control shortly before I stepped up to the microphone.
After the show, I met some JMG readers, whom I thank for attending and their very kind words. And a special shout-out goes to the visiting hot Ozzie, Seymour! When I mentioned to a trio of my friends that I thought I was still sick from the street fair, they looked at me blankly. “But the fair was TWO days ago!” Ah, youth. I explained to them that one day THEY will be middle-aged too. Apologies to all for skipping out on the after-party so early, especially Dagon, on his last night in NYC.
UPDATE: Read Wizzy reviews from Greg Walloch, Curly McDimple, Someone In A Tree
Jon Collins, The Publishing Spot , The Sheila Variations, Cliff Claven.