Tony Perkins Celebrates New Anti-LGBT Visa Policy

Via press release from hate group leader Tony Perkins:

The rainbow didn’t just color the White House — it colored Barack Obama’s entire legacy. For eight years, Americans watched the 44th president’s obsession with LGBT activism eclipse every other urgent issue. And the U.S. State Department was exhibit A. No sooner had Hillary Clinton taken over as secretary than the White House ordered her to use the agency as a club to beat other nations into submission on sexual politics.

Fortunately, the Trump administration has real respect for other nations’ beliefs — and Secretary Mike Pompeo’s agency is proving it. Yesterday, the administration announced a new policy at the State Department that would block diplomatic visas for the same-sex partners of any foreign officials and U.N. employees. As of Monday, couples will have to provide proof of marriage for their significant others to stay in the country after 2018.

To most conservatives, it was powerful rebuke of Hillary Clinton’s 2009 decision to bypass the law for LGBT partners. And an important one. As it stands, only 12 percent of U.N. member states allow same-sex marriage — putting the Obama State Department well out of step with the world. Thank goodness for the Trump administration, which has proven time and time again that its focus is religious freedom and human rights for everyone — not special rights for a select few.