GOP Texas Gov Owns Libs With Fake Churchill Quote

His meme even show the source as the humor site 9GAG.

Splinter reports:

Folks, I’m afraid it’s my unfortunate duty to inform you that Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott is well on his way to transitioning from “extremely bad politician” to “extremely bad shitposter online.”

In the wee hours of Tuesday morning, Abbott—who is high in the running for “Republican politician with his head stuck furthest up Donald Trump’s ass”—tweeted what he thought was an absolutely brutal takedown of…umm…people who oppose fascism.

ThinkProgress reports:

There’s just one problem — Churchill never said that. A similar quote is attributed to a populist U.S. Senator from Louisiana who said it in books and magazines of the 1930 and 1940s, but Churchill isn’t documented as saying anything of the sort. Despite many people replying to Abbott’s tweet to inform him the quote is fake, six hours later, his tweet remains up.