Trump To Sean Hannity: I Felt Foolish Calling Kim “Little Rocket Man” But I Had To Go Out Aggressive [VIDEO]

Mediaite reports:

Hannity asked the president how Trump went from calling Kim “little rocket man” just months ago to the pair sitting down for a summit. “Well, I think without the rhetoric we wouldn’t have been here,” Trump said. “I really believe that.”

“We did sanctions and all of the things that you would do. I think without the rhetoric, you know, other administrations, I don’t want to get specific on that, but they had a policy of silence. If they said something very bad, very threatening and horrible, just don’t answer. That’s not the answer. That’s not what you have to do.”

“So I think the rhetoric — I hated to do it,” Trump continued. “Sometimes I felt foolish doing it. But we had no choice. I felt a little embarrassed about having to go out there so aggressively.””