Trump Speaks To Right Wing Christian Group: Religious Liberty Is “Under Siege” But God Will Prevail [VIDEO]

The New York Daily News reports:

As his former FBI Director accused him of lying during riveting testimony delivered just miles away, President Trump on Thursday uncharacteristically ignored James Comey and the growing Russia probe, using a speech to a faith group at a Washington hotel to quote the Bible and pledge loyalty to the “fight for religious freedom.”

Trump took the stage at the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s “Road to Majority Conference” just as Comey was wrapping up his public testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee. Trump, however, did, frequently quote scripture, drawing on verses and ideas that appeared to suggest that he himself felt under attack.

“We’re under siege, you understand that,” Trump said, referring to attacks on “religious liberty.” “But we will come out bigger and better and stronger than ever,” he added. “As The Bible tells us … we know that truth will prevail, that God’s glorious wisdom will shine through,” Trump continued, again referring to “religious freedom.”