ALABAMA: Gov. Kay Ivey Signs Bill Allowing Religious Adoption Agencies To Refuse Same-Sex Couples reports:

Gov. Kay Ivey today signed into law a bill allowing adoption agencies in Alabama to follow faith-based policies, such as not placing children with gay couples. “The elected legislature of this state overwhelmingly approved House Bill 24. Having served as President of the Senate for more than six years, I appreciate the work of the legislature, and I agree with it on the importance of protecting religious liberty in Alabama,” Ivey said.

The House of Representatives last week gave final approval to the bill by a vote of 87-0, with six abstentions, concurring with a change the Senate made when it approved the bill. “I ultimately signed House Bill 24 because it ensures hundreds of children can continue to find ‘forever homes’ through religiously-affiliated adoption agencies. This bill is not about discrimination, but instead protects the ability of religious agencies to place vulnerable children in a permanent home,” the governor added.

The bill is limited to agencies that don’t receive state or federal funding.

The Human Rights Campaign reacts:

“We are deeply disappointed that the legislature and the governor took on this unnecessary, discriminatory bill instead of focusing on how to improve the lives of all Alabamians, no matter who they are or whom they love,” said Eva Kendrick, HRC Alabama state director. “The intent of this law is clear: to discriminate, causing the most harm to children in Alabama’s child welfare system. It’s time our lawmakers — from the legislature to the Governor’s Mansion — stop using LGBTQ people as pawns to win cheap political points.”