FRANCE: Nazi National Front Party Leader Hails Trump’s Victory As Heralding Dawn Of New World Order

The Guardian reports:

Marine Le Pen, the leader of France’s far-right Front National, was jubilant on Wednesday as she took to the stage at her party’s headquarters to congratulate Donald Trump, saying his victory showed nothing was “set in stone” and the “political and media elite” could be put in its place.

Smiling, she hailed “a great movement across the world” in which the UK’s vote to leave the European Union, coupled with Trump’s US election victory, heralded the dawn of a new world order.

Mainstream politicians in Paris immediately began warning that the next political earthquake could be what had always been seen as impossible: Le Pen winning the French presidential election in six months’ time.

Even before Trump’s win was official, Le Pen’s chief strategist, Florian Philippot, had tweeted: “Their world is collapsing, ours is being built.” Marine Le Pen’s estranged father, the former far-right leader, Jean-Marie Le Pen, added: “Today the United States, tomorrow France.”

All French polls currently show that Le Pen will easily make it through to the final run-off of the French presidential election in May. Her party is now a key electoral force and its anti-immigration stance has set the tone for the wider political debate.

RELATED: The National Front supports France’s anti-LGBT hate group, La Manif Pour Tous, and party members participated in their often violent rallies during the 2013 battle for same-sex marriage. Last month La Manif Pour Tous staged a massive rally in Paris calling for the next president to repeal same-sex marriage. Earlier this year Marine Le Pen’s next-in-command, the above-cited Florian Philippot, denounced Paris Pride as perverse and decadent. Sarah Palin has declared that she has a “political crush” on Marine Le Pen, who in 2013 praised an elderly man who committed suicide at Notre Dame Cathedral in protest of the passage of same-sex marriage.