REPORT: Homocon Couple Participated In Mob That “Kicked And Choked” Trump Protester In Reno [VIDEO]

An apparently married homocon couple at that. USA Today reports:

Members of the audience at the event for the GOP presidential nominee tackled Austyn Crites, 33, of Reno after someone yelled “gun” while others were trying to rip away his anti-Trump sign. “I just went with sign that said ‘Republicans Against Trump,’ ” Crites said. “It’s a sign that you can find online. I held up the sign and initially people around me were just booing me telling me to get out of there. Then a couple of these guys tried grabbing the sign out of my hands.” Crites had no weapon. Secret Service agents later released a statement to that effect and let him go without charges.

“I was trying to get the Secret Service’s attention for them to respond,” said Michael Newton, 45, of Santa Rosa, Calif., who helped restrain Crites. “They didn’t respond. I thought I had to do something. I put my knee on what I think was his head, so I’m not really sure. There were five guys on him and he was moving. I tried to help them immobilize him.” Newton said he felt as if Crites were the aggressor. “I saw his hand contact someone’s face,” he said. “Maybe two people.” Newton’s partner, Donald Newton, 47, of Santa Rosa took video of the immediate aftermath.

Crites said he didn’t strike anyone, but after he was taken to the ground, he felt as if he were being mobbed. “Multiple people just tackled me down, kicking me choking me and just beating me up,” he said. “That’s when things even got crazier. I was on the ground and people were holding my arms, legs and I kept saying I can barely breathe. I was turning my neck just to get a little bit of air to keep from passing out.” That’s when police intervened, taking Crites away in handcuffs.

(Tipped by JMG reader Kevin)