Alt-Right Wails After Pepe Creator Turns On Trump

Matt Furie, the artist who created Pepe The Frog, had previously been indifferent to the fact that his work had been co-opted by neo-Nazis and the alt-right, calling it “just a phase.” But now that the Anti-Defamation League has listed Pepe alongside swastikas as a symbol of hate, Furie has issued a multi-panel graphic that gruesomely goes after Donald Trump.

Over at the Daily Stormer, they’re calling this a betrayal. From their post:

We know we have the world against us. We’re used to being attacked from all sides. But some attacks hurt more than others. The Christ-killing Jews – who recently launched a full war against Pepe – have tricked the original Pepe artist into joining their vile attack on Pepe. He clearly misunderstood the power and beauty of Pepe. Pepe’s glory will shine eternal, and we will not let him fall into the clutches of the dreaded normies. What Furie doesn’t understand is that he didn’t “create” Pepe any more than Michael Jackson invented grabbing one’s own crotch. Pepe is an idea and he has always been with us.

I won’t link sites like Daily Stormer anymore, but if you must, you do have access to a Google Machine.