Trump: If The Republican Party Pulls Funding From Me, I Won’t Raise Money For Them Either [VIDEO]

As predicted, Trump has melted down over the report that over 70 GOP leaders have begged Reince Priebus to stop funding him. Via Mediaite:

Donald Trump denied reports that RNC Chair Reince Priebus threatened to pull resources from him, but said tonight that if they did, he could always just stop funding the GOP.

On Fox News tonight, Trump repeatedly bragged to Eric Bolling about how much he’s funding his own campaign and how much he’s raising for the GOP, dismissing those dozens of Republicans who are demanding the RNC stop giving Trump party funds and instead focus on down-ballot races.

Trump said that while the report is inaccurate, “if it is true, that’s okay too, because all I’ll have to do is stop funding the Republican Party.”