Evan McMullin: Why I’m Running For President

Earlier today former CIA honcho Evan McMullin announced that he is running for president as an independent. McMullin appears unswayed by the fact that he’s missed the ballot deadline in 26 states and that he has only weeks to scramble for tens of thousands of signatures to get on the ballot in others, including California. From his open letter to America:

Hillary Clinton is a corrupt career politician who has recklessly handled classified information in an attempt to avoid accountability and put American lives at risk including those of my former colleagues. She fails the basic tests of judgment and ethics any candidate for President must meet. Moreover, she only offers stale economic ideas like the same old top-down government control that has brought us eight years of historically low growth.

Donald Trump appeals to the worst fears of Americans at a time when we need unity, not division. Republicans are deeply divided by a man who is perilously close to gaining the most powerful position in the world, and many rightly see him as a real threat to our Republic. Given his obvious personal instability, putting him in command of our military and nuclear arsenal would be deeply irresponsible. His infatuation with strongmen and demagogues like Vladimir Putin is anathema to American values. We cannot and must not elect him.

Hit the link for two thousand more words if you’re feeling especially masochistic.