Hillary Clinton To Animal Rights Protesters: Trump And His Kids Have Killed A Lot Of Animals [VIDEO]

Via Talking Points Memo:

Animal rights protestors appeared at a Hillary Clinton rally Thursday in Las Vegas, to which she quipped that they should be protesting Donald Trump since “his kids have killed a lot of animals.”

As Clinton was discussing her jobs plan, Secret Service agents appeared on stage as a protest broke out. It’s unclear if the protesters, apparently belonging to the group “Direct Action Everywhere,” tried to rush the stage or whether the agents came onstage as a precaution.

Clinton brushed off the commotion, joking that the demonstrators must have come to protest her Republican opponent. “These people must be here to protest Trump,” she said. “He and his kids have killed a lot of animals.”

As it happens, Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr. are out of the country on a hunting safari right now.