Matt Barber Has The Stonewall Monument Sadz

Hate group radio host Matt Barber says it’s a “disgrace” that President Obama supported the creation of the Stonewall National Monument. From BarbWire:

“Police were investigating that particular homosexual bar based on numerous complaints about adult homosexual men assaulting underage boys which — as the Archives for Sexual Behavior and other studies indicate — is far too common within the homosexual community,” Barber explains.

There was reportedly open unnatural intimacy inside and outside the bar. But while there might have been some police excesses, Barber urges Americans to remember that some officers were beaten in the face with objects to the point of unconsciousness, and one officer was bitten in the face during the riots. Barber argues that the lawless incident is a shameful blemish through and through. “It’s not something to celebrate,” he asserts. “It’s a mark on American history.”

“A president seeks a legacy, and this president’s legacy is going to be one of radical homosexual activism — of furthering and perpetuating sin, sexual deviancy, the murder of innocent unborn children and weakness in terms of the war against radical Islam,” Barber concludes. “[This eight-year campaign embracing such destructive behavior] encompasses and embodies this president’s character and his legacy.”

Earlier this month Barber’s site declared that Pulse massacre victims got what they deserved.