American Family Association: The Gay Gestapo Is On A Mission From Satan To Destroy All Sexual Normalcy

“The Gay Gestapo is on a mission from the Dark Lord to relentlessly harass, intimidate, punish, and silence every advocate of sexual normalcy.

“According to the Creator of every living human being, there are two and only two genders. Not five (as in LGBTQ) or 31, as New York City is now proposing, nor 58 as Facebook famously believes.

“Everything we know about biology and genetics confirms this. Everyone is either a male or a female from the moment he was conceived to the moment he dies. Bruce Jenner is a male, has been for his entirely earthly existence, and will be until the day he dies.

“But soon in Canada, it will be a crime to proclaim what the Bible and science teach about gender.

“And lest you think we are immune from this treacle in the U.S., a security guard at a grocery store in New York City was arrested last week and charged with assault for doing her job of escorting a sexually confused male from the women’s restroom.

“It’s a ‘brave new world’ out there all right, and it will take people of bravery, courage and boldness to survive it and overcome it. May God be with us all.” – Bryan Fischer, writing for the American Family Association.