Obama: Repeal Those Anti-LGBT Hate Laws [VIDEO]

The Daily Mail reports:

President Barack Obama told British travelers that new laws in North Carolina and Mississippi pertaining to the treatment of LGBT individuals are “wrong and should be overturned” but they need not worry about being treated discourteously if they visit.

“I want everybody here in the United Kingdom to know that the people of North Carolina and Mississippi are wonderful people, they are hospitable people, they are beautiful states, and you are welcome, and you should come and enjoy yourselves,” Obama said today at a press conference in London. And he said, “I think you’ll be treated with extraordinary hospitality.”

Britain’s Foreign Office has warned gay and transsexual British tourists this week about travelling to the two states in America following the implementation of new laws that have been dubbed “terrible” and “anti-gay.”

Obama said, “The laws that have been passed there are wrong and should be overturned, and they’re in response to politics, in part. In part they’re are some strong emotions generated by people, some of whom are good people, but I just disagree with when it comes to respecting the equal rights of all people, regardless of sexual orientation.”

The president said he respects their viewpoint, it’s important for the US “not to send signals that anybody is treated differently.” He noted that states and local governments are free to make their own laws in the United States, and sometimes those laws “aren’t necessarily reflective of a national consensus.