LIVE VIDEO: Georgia Senate Debates Bill To Legalize Anti-LGBT Discrimination Because Religious Liberty

From Know Thy Neighbor:

This morning, the Georgia Senate will debate HB 757, a hybrid of the House Pastor Protection Act and the Georgia First Amendment Defense Act (FADA). The new bill is pretty terrible. In short, it allows any individual or “faith-based” business, non-profit entity, or taxpayer-funded organization to ignore any law that conflicts with their religious beliefs about marriage. This bill would cause real harm to real people and would (ironically) violate the Free Speech and Establishment Clauses of the First Amendment and the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

Thus, any person, business, or taxpayer-funded organization could refuse anyone else rights, services, and benefits because they are part of an interracial couple; are part of an interfaith couple; are a single mother; are part of a same-sex couple; are divorced; are remarried; live or have lived with a partner without being married; or have had sex outside of marriage at any time in their life.

Watch live here.