Family Research Council Prayer Of The Day: Ask God To Protect Those Who Kidnap Children Of Gay Parents

Earlier this month a pastor was ordered to spend 27 months in prison after losing the appeal of his conviction for abetting the kidnapping of a child of a lesbian mother. Today the Family Research Council asks their followers to pray that God “strongly supports” people who commit such kidnappings.

May God strongly support Pastor Miller, Lisa and young Isabella, who have embraced prison and exile rather than violate their faith and conscience. Pray also for others impacted by their refusal to go along with the demands to bow to the “new order,” like the Klein family, fined $135,000 for refusing to bake a same-sex wedding cake, and Barronelle Stutzman, the Washington state florist who could lose everything for refusing to participate in a same-sex wedding, and many more. Pray, too, for the sexually confused people, the judges, politicians and voters who have imposed this confusion upon our youth and nation. Pray the First Amendment Defense Act (FADA – now languishing in Congress) will be passed and signed into law, if not by President Obama, our next president! (2 Chr 16:9; Jer 7:19; Mt 5:10-12; Mk 10:29-31; 1 Cor 14:33; 2 Tim 2:24-26).

RELATED: On the same day in 2012 that Kenneth Miller was found guilty of abetting the kidnapping of Isabella to Nicaragua, lesbian mom Janet Jenkins filed a RICO lawsuit against many of the parties suspected of conspiring in the crime, including Liberty University, the parent of the vile anti-gay hate group Liberty Counsel, whose president Mat Staver is specifically named in the suit. In July 2015 the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals overturned a lower court’s ruling that Liberty University’s liability insurance policy covers such lawsuits.