New Book By Father Of Ted Cruz Calls On Christians To Battle Against The Separation Of Church & State

Rafael Cruz, the virulently anti-gay father of Ted Cruz, has a new book coming out which calls on Christians to battle against the “deceptive progressive mantra” that there must be a separation between church and state. The book’s release is timed to just precede the Iowa primary. World Net Daily is selling the book (shocker!) and this is their blurb:

America was founded on Judeo-Christian principles, by moral leaders, many of whom were strong Christians themselves. The first settlers were committed Protestant Christians seeking refuge from religious persecution abroad. In the last hundred years, America has been on a slippery slope, moving away from its founding principles, and in large part with little resistance from the Church.

In A Time for Action: Reclaiming America’s Judeo-Christian Heritage, Rafael Cruz presents a simple underlying message: For Christians, Jesus Christ should be the foundation of the lives they build and they should be active in making a difference in the world around them. In practical terms, that means we should strive for a free society that respects each of God’s children; we should embrace the Judeo-Christian values of love, joy, and peace; and we should seek a relationship with the living God. It means people of faith should actively participate in the political process in order to combat the debilitating and deceptive progressive mantra that there should be a separation of church and state.

RELATED: Several weeks ago Rafael Cruz declared that gay activists want to legalize pedophilia.