MARYLAND: Gay Republican Runs For US Senate

Tuesday night openly gay Maryland Republican Chrys Kefalas formally announced his bid for the US Senate on Fox News. DCist reports:

Maryland has an interesting candidate for the Senate seat that will be vacated by Democrat Barbara A. Mikulski when she retires in 2017. Chrys Kefalas served as a speechwriter for U.S. Attorney Eric Holder, is engaged to the “Ryan Seacrest of the District”, comes from a family of staunch Democrats, and said that he’s open to decriminalizing heroin. He’s also hoping to land the GOP nomination in a very blue state.

Kefalas made his official announcement on Greta Van Susteren last night. She asked about him being openly gay, and he brushed aside his personal life as irrelevant: “No one talks about that on the campaign trail. They talk about jobs, how are you going to support the middle class, what are you going to improve national security in America. Those are the issues they care about and that’s what I’m running about.”

Oddly, Kafalas has blocked embedding on his campaign announcement clip. Watch it here. Hit the top link for his interview on Fox News. (Tipped by JMG reader Blair)