Lunatic Eugene Delgaudio Advertises On Drudge Report: Stop Homosexual Trojan Horse Paul Ryan

We haven’t heard from Eugene Delgaudio in some time, but today he’s making news for an attack on Paul Ryan. Via the Daily Beast:

Some conservatives think that Paul Ryan, the blue-eyed pride of Wisconsin, is making too many demands as he considers a run for speaker of the House. Others think he is a Trojan Horse for the homosexual lobby. Not necessarily others, but other. Specifically Eugene Delgaudio, a county supervisor in Virginia and head of the gay-bashing organization Public Advocate of the United States. Delgaudio, who speaks in a Bernie Sanders-level thick New York accent and wears glasses reminiscent of Stanley Tucci in The Lovely Bones, is responsible for a recent letter urging the general populace, frankly anyone who will listen, that Ryan is not qualified for the speaker position because he voted for the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, which Delgaudio refers to as the “Gay Bill of Special Rights.”

Matt Drudge refused to respond to the Daily Beast and it’s unknown how Delgaudio got the money to advertise on one of the world’s most expensive sites. It’s possible that Drudge GAVE Delgaudio the space as Drudge has been attacking Ryan in his headlines all week. Hit the link for the rest, it’s really something.