REPORT: Duggar Family Attends “Fiery Sermon” On The Horrible “Secret Sin” Of Viewing Pornography

This weekend the Duggar family’s pastor reportedly delivered a “fiery sermon” on the repulsive sin of pornography. The pastor, obviously, was reacting to Josh Duggar’s recently confessed problem with obsessively fapping to online triple-penetration interracial gangbang bukkake. Entertainment Tonight reports:

Pastor Crawford stressed accountability as “the No. 1,” and advised parents to use filters for their family’s Internet usage. “We have to help ourselves and our families,” he said. Pastor Crawford later compared pornography to football, saying that Satan has a “playbook” and“the word of God helps us to know the playbook.” “We’re for healing. We’re for forgiveness,” he said. “There is no judgment here.” That message of forgiveness is being preached to Josh’s wife Anna by members of the Duggar family, a source close to the situation tells ET. Anna, who was in good spirits, was seen waving and smiling to churchgoers, while staying near her four children. The Duggar clan were the last to leave the church after spending significant time onstage taking photos and chatting with congregation members. Jessa and Ben Seewald were not in attendance.

Duggar spawn Amy got married this weekend and brother Josh was reportedly “nowhere in sight” at the wedding. Josh Duggar is allegedly AWOL from Christian rehab where he’s supposed to be learning not to shove his no-no pole into random hooker holes.