Another One Of Matt Barber’s Columnists Calls For The Execution Of Homosexuals

In a guest column published today on Matt Barber’s website, Freedom Outpost blogger Tim Brown links to a story on his own site which calls for the “lawful execution of practicing homosexuals.” Via BarbWire:

CNN, the Communist News Network, invited Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore on to discuss the redefinition of marriage argument that is taking place across the country and specifically in the State of Alabama. However, I’m sure it came as a shock to Moore, as well as many other patriotic Americans when morning anchor Chris Cuomo claimed that our laws don’t come from our Creator.

Once again friends, if we would deal with sodomy in the manner God prescribes in His law, we would never have the discussion of redefining marriage into something it is not.

I wonder how Mr. Cuomo would feel about us changing the definition of the press (something like what Senator Dianne Feinstein wants to do) to only those who are not paid and who are not part of a corporation? I wonder how he would feel about having his free speech squashed? Those things are part of the rights he has, but I’ll bet you would hear him sing a different song if this was applied to what he engages in.

When men like Mr. Cuomo think their rights come from other men (government), that is when they should not expect to be surprised that government will usurp the authority it does rightfully have and engage in tyranny, which is exactly what we see now. I’ll bet Cuomo would think that we are a democracy too, but we’re not.

The story that Brown links to was written by Philip Stallings, who published a BarbWire column in October that was deleted the next day after Right Wing Watch noted that Stallings regularly calls for the gay death penalty. Following that deletion Barber fired out a tweet claiming that he had been unaware of Stallings’ history, adding that he finds advocating for the gay death penalty to be “appalling.” But not that appalling, obviously, since another of Matt Barber’s writers has done the same today.

This is Tim Brown’s author credit on BarbWire: “Tim Brown is an author and Editor at, husband to his wife, father of 10, jack of all trades, Christian and lover of liberty. He resides in the U.S. occupied Great State of South Carolina. Tim is also an affiliate for the brand new Joshua Mark 5 AR/AK hybrid semi-automatic rifle. Follow Tim on Twitter.”

(Tipped by JMG reader Rob)

UPDATE: Barber has deleted without comment the above-linked call to execute millions of LGBT Americans. The bulk of the post by BarbWire guest blogger Tim Brown remains.