Perkins Slams Petraeus

“Think about it. The man running our nation’s top clandestine organization
couldn’t keep his own affair secret. And he’s one of the best people we have in public service? If General Petraeus will compromise here, what’s to say he won’t or didn’t compromise elsewhere? This idea that character doesn’t matter runs completely counter to
God’s instructions for choosing leaders. Apart from what Scripture says, consider where a lack of moral
standards in government has led. The breaches of integrity in Europe are
almost epidemic–and look where those countries are: in complete
economic, political, and spiritual turmoil. That didn’t happen because
the ‘best people’ were in charge. It happened because the truly good
people didn’t hold them accountable.” – Hate group leader Tony Perkins, still pissed because Gen.  Patraeus backed the repeal of DADT.