Butter Flavoring Linked To Alzheimer’s

If you’ve been looking for one more thing to worry about, here it is.

If you’re a fan of butter-flavored microwave popcorn, a new study finds a flavoring used in the product may trigger Alzheimer’s disease. University of Minnesota drug-design expert Robert Vince, PhD, and colleagues found that diacetyl causes brain proteins to misfold into the Alzheimer’s-linked form called beta amyloid. Vince’s team also found that diacetyl has an architecture similar to a substance that makes beta-amyloid proteins clump together in the brain — clumping being a hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease. Even more, the popcorn butter flavorant can pass through the blood-brain barrier and can inhibit the brain’s natural amyloid-clearing mechanisms. Diacetyl, already linked to lung damage in people who work in microwave popcorn factories, is also used to produce the distinctive buttery flavor and aroma of margarines, snack foods, candy, baked goods, pet foods, and even some chardonnays.

(Tipped by JMG reader SIdan)